Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Girls advice please? (Best answer!)?

Last week I met this girl who was taking the LSAT (a test) and we got along great and talked a couple times. The last time I talked to her was outside of her class last Wednesday. Would it be alright to wait outside her class tomorrow, ask her how the LSAT went and asked to see if we could get some coffee and get her number? We never formally introduced each other though we talked for over a half hour last week and there was definitely chemistry. Thanks!!!Girls advice please? (Best answer!)?
Go for it! :D

I think she'd really like seeing you waiting for her outside her classroom! It just shows that you're really interested, and when you ask how her LSAT went , she'll know you care about her.

It happens sometimes that we meet someone and instantly click, what do you know? This could be the beginning of something really nice.

So introduce yourself, tell her something nice about the way she looks that day, like a compliment or something, and I'm sure she'd love to go get some coffee with you!

Good Luck! :)


Let me know how it went, once you've asked her!Girls advice please? (Best answer!)?
just do what you want to do man, just be you, it is not that hard, if you know for a fact that she likes you, ask her if she would like to go get some coffee and get her number,and introduce yourself. If you think she does not like you, just talk to her a lot and try to get closer to her, you know, Good Luck, my friend.
Well not to be mean but just cause you talked for a long time doesn't mean anything.But it does seem like she likes you,and even if she doesn't,take her out and get her to like you.Life is made for taking risks,don't waste a single second of it wondering what your next move will be ok:) hope i helped!
no because that sounds desperate so you should *the next time you run into eachother* you just say hey again and say we havent met really and introduce your self, crack a couple of jokes, and ask for coffee, get to know her better, get her number....and you know the plan from there. (:

That sounds like a great plan! Asking for coffee/numbers isn't like, creepy or anything, so I don't see why she'd have a problem with it. If you did have good chemistry, and she's single, she'll probably be pretty glad you're interested. :)
Ya! ask her for her number if you like her ask her out okay that would be nice if you did and still wait by her class for her and ask about her day.Her weekend.Stuff like that she'll be glad to know you care!
Definately! It'll be a nice surprise, and I bet she likes you anyway, so it's definately worth a shot! Go for it! And besides, girls think it's super sweet when guys wait for us after classes. =]
yeah go for it. if you're FOR SURE there was chemistry though. as a girl i wouldn't think that was weird of guy to do.
i would wait a little bit longer to ask her for coffee i would try to get to know her a little bit better
well i dont thinl u should look like yre waiting for her just act casual or else she may think something yeah and go for it ask her out for a cup of coffee or somthing lol good luck =]
Yeah..I think you should! =] Just approach her and talk to her! I doubt she will turn you down! go for it! You may not have another chance! GOOD LUCK!!!
I think that would work. Me being a girl, don't go too fast or she might think you're a pig.. but I think she might like you!! Good luck!!
You sound very sincere and nice. That would be a great plan and very flattering. Good luck hon!
Yea it would be ok

If you guys talk somewhat then yea ok

Have fun and good luck
I say go for it! Who knows will happen.
yeah definitely, she would think that is really sweet, kind of like being swept of her feet. good luck!
DO IT!!! :D

good luck
Ya that would be sweet.
Sounds like a plan! (:
definitely! she'll be glad to know that you've been thinking of her.
go for it! good luck!
yeah why not?

go for it..

she is probably waiting for you to ask her :)
NICE WORK BABE .................GO FOR IT................


of course!!!!!!
cool o! ya, just do it!
yeahh totallyy goo for itt !!! :))) it is a good ideaa to do that !!
yeahh! go for it its better to try then to have never tried at all!

she seems to like you

just go for it
awww sounds sweet! i wish my bf would have done that!
GO FOR IT!!!! :] she sounds into u!! good luck!

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