Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Best hangover cure,all advice appreciated?

Ouch! Hangovers!

Well, it goes without saying 'prevention is better than cure', so always make sure you've had a good meal and a pint of water before you go out - and of course, drink water during your night out!

However, as I'm well aware of, we don't all do this - and end up with some murderous hangover in the morning!

The hangover is simply your body telling you that you're dehydrated. Dehydration doesn't just mean you've lost water, but that you've lost essential salts too. You need to re-hydrate with both fluids and salts. One of the best drinks to have is actually 'Lucozade Sport'. I have a medical condition that leaves me prone to dehydration (I get the hangover without the night out!) and I've been recommended by my doctor to drink the 'Sport' variety of Lucozade. Take a paracetamol with the drink and large banana. It works, I promise.

Hope this helps! - KarenBest hangover cure,all advice appreciated?
Have a cup of tea before you go to bed (if you're not too paraletic!), that'll prevent any headaches in the morning, and then munch on plenty of cold pizza for breakfast, washed down with another cup of fine english tea (PG Tips!). Then drink a whole pint of squash (or water on it's own if you don't mind the lack of flavour).

Then just eat lots.

I've never really done it any other way :SBest hangover cure,all advice appreciated?
I'm tempted to say don't drink in the first place, but dehydration is the main problem, so drink some water before you go to sleep (pass out), and drink more when you wake up. It will help, but there's no cure as such.
Drink water to rectify the dehydration, eat something sugary/starchy to rectify the hypoglycemia and take paracetamol for pain relief- do not take Aspirin as it will irritate the already sore lining of your stomach.

Of course prevention is better than a care- do not get that drunk again!!
Usually a hangover occurs when your body dehydrates from the alcohol. Before I go to bed, I drink a full cool glass of water and take two advil or gel nuprofen. Drink plenty of fluids when you wake up and try to eat something with protein. It does help!! My best friend swore by drinking a coke first thing when she woke up. Blissy%26lt;3
best cure for hangover is hangover prevention. Don't drink.
stay drunk.............

drink lots of water before you go to sleep, eat something the following morning and again drink plenty of water.
diorea medication for the dehydration

vit b complex

orange juice

cranberry juice-anti oxidant

rice and vegatables
I had 2 paraceptamol, a can of diet coke %26amp; a fried breakfast. I'm not too bad now ;-)
Energy drinks.
Coca - cola and a beef and tomato pot noodle! :o)

water water everywhere so lets all have a drink :)
In n Out burger

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