do you pump or do you have a pump that has worked for you? i need suggestions on the best pump for a good price...
Breastfeeding mommies!!! advice? 10pts best answer!!!?
For your needs, I would suggest the Madela mini-electric. Much less expensive that the professional models, but much more efficient than a manual pump. Great for pumping the occasional bottle. It is battery operated and AC adaptable. I had one given to me and I used it when my son was first born. When I went back to work, I sprung for the AMEDA Just My Style ($250), but the Madela mini-electric was perfect for the occasional bottle when I was home with my son. I think they run about $50. I wouldn't rent, becasue if you plan to breastfeed long term (12 months) you may want to pump a bottle here and there over a period of time.Breastfeeding mommies!!! advice? 10pts best answer!!!?
I personally love my medela pump. It has worked great wonders for me. I was even able to avoid engorgement. They are very spendy, but worth the money. If someone you know has one, and she is okay with sharing then ask if you can give hers a try before you buy. But keep in mind that not all women are able to excrete milk with a pump, since pumps dp not work the same as baby.
Good Luck
The Medela Breast Pumps are the best. I have the double pump electric Medela Pump in Style. At first it will be kinda hard to get any out. Maybe 2 or 3 ounces total, but eventually you will get used to it and be able to pump like a pro.
medela is the best! its a lot of money but definitely worth it. they have all kinds of accessories. you can also get it for free through wic if ur not working or even rent it from the hospital! good luck!
If you are enrolled in the WIC program they will give you one to use free of charge. If you dont participate in WIC look it up it is well worth it.
if you absolutly need one i recomend The First Years Natural Deluxe Single Electronic Breast Pump its $50.00 but it works great there more from the same store and everyone i've gotten there has worked great
rent one from a hospital or medical supply place they work much better
Three things.
First, pumping is never going to be as effective as nursing, regardless of how you pump.
Second, electric pumps are much better at expressing than a manual pump. I used an Evenflo Comfort Select to pump exclusively for 2 months and we did okay. It is a cheaper pump that I wouldn't recommend for long term use, but for an occasional pumping here and there it's great. I bought mine for $40 at Walmart.
Third, feeding a baby isn't the only way your son can bond with his new little brother/sister. Since parenting is all about setting a positive example for our children, it might be best if you teach your son that babies feed from their mommies because it's what's best for them. There's no reason that anyone besides you needs to be feeding the baby just to bond. Encourage your son to bond with the baby in other ways. Your question makes it sound like your son is late toddler/early preschooler age. A child that young isn't going to care less whether they can feed the baby or not, especially if they know that babies are fed by their mommies. A young child doesn't have it ingrained in his mind that the best way to bond with the baby is to feed it, so he'll be fine doing other things instead.
All letting your son feed the baby is going to do is make it so that he wants to do it more often. You're going to be telling him that the baby eats from you, except when you want to make him feel special and let him feed the baby because it will help him bond with the baby. Then all of a sudden you have a 2 or 3 year old asking if he can feed the baby all of the time because that's how he bonds with the baby and what you taught him is special. If you absolutely insist that your son be able to feed the baby, it will help if you only do it while you are gone doing something else, meaning that you aren't there to feed the baby. That way you aren't sending your son mixed messages.
Edit: Oops.. Mother to Mackenzie, I meant to give you a thumbs up, not a thumbs down.
I bought a Lansinoh dual electric and had problems with not getting enough milk, the company worked with me but still didnt get enough especially with me developing severe mastitis 2x. I now have a Medela that WIC gave me and it works great. Ive been pumping since she was 3 days old, she is now 6 months, she never latched once my milk came in. Medelas r pricey but I went with a decent price one and didnt work as good, so my experience is the most price the better quality. Make sure they r also BPA free.
first make sure not to bottle feed for the first 6 weeks... you can pump but don't give bottle as might cause nipple confusion
I used the medela dual electric pump.. not sure of the name...
i just put the pump to both my breasts and turned it on... it had adjustments for strength....I felt like a milk cow... but at first once my milk arrived I was able to get 3-5 oz at least from each breast after feeding my baby... however once I stopped pumping and exclusively nursed I was only to maybe get 3-5 oz total....
pumping does mess with your milk supply...
moreover, I did co-sleep and baby sucked on a breast the entire night... and i alternated breasts during the night... but in the morning I had one very full rock hard breast that I had to pump for an oz before I could even consider nursing him on it....
you can also mix pumpings... example.. you pump 2oz, fridgerate, pump another 2oz later you can mix and have 4oz
my cousin had WIC nd they only gave her a manual pump... it stunk!!! meaning it was an awful pump!!!
I have a medela single electric(80) and an Avent Isis Manual (50). I love the Isis! I have two actually. It's comfy and has worked better and faster then the electric. I pumped 7.5 ounces this morning in abot 15 minutes from one side. I go to school full time so I use it pretty often. I recommend it to everyone and the LC from my hospital recommends it too unless you really want to spend 300 on one that may or may not work for you.
i know you said you didnt have luck with the manual. i want to see if you've tried the advent isis manual? it worked for me.. and it got just as much milk out as the medela pump in style im borrowing. the electirc breast pumps are much nicer and they are more constant. i would reccommend any double electric for a good price. like i said i use the medela pump in style.. they are expensive so im borrowing. you can buy the parts that actually touch your breast and the accessorie kit for $25 dollars ebay. i recommend that if you are going to rent one or borrow one if you could.
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