Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Whats the BEST skincare, makeup, and hair advice/tip you've ever heard?

what's your favourite tip/advice? :)Whats the BEST skincare, makeup, and hair advice/tip you've ever heard?
an aspirin mask!

- disclaimer - if you are allergic or have sensitive skin you may react to it.

- I have tried it and what it is, is: a few pills of aspirin crushed up and added to a few drops of water, mixed together.

- put it on your face and it really really evens it out and gives you clear skin!

- I tried it and loved it! although you should not use it too often, it is good everyone once a week or two at clearing up and evening out skintone!

- the reason why i say not to use it too much is that the first time I tried it, I was so amazed I used it every single day for two weeks! then I had some allergic reaction, but that was also since I used another store bought mask with it. Not a good idea. Just stick to the aspirin alone! =)Whats the BEST skincare, makeup, and hair advice/tip you've ever heard?
Idk if thisc counts, I think it does, but I read in a magazine that there are parabens in deoderants that could cause breast cancer. I don't think it said aerosal, but they are bad for the environment anyway so don't use them.
Wash your makeup off and just your face in general every night with a hot wash cloth, shower, and wash your hair daily.

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