Tuesday, August 24, 2010

ADVICE: my best guy friend's girlfriend is harassing me.?

my best guy friend's girlfriend and i finally met after 7 months of them dating.

i was nice and tried to have a conversation with her, but she just ignored me and behaved cold and rude towards me.

she befriended me on myspace to tell me to back off from ';her boyfriend';, called me names and so on.

and because i didn't go and tell my best friend about this, she went to him and told him i cussed her out and called her names and asked personal questions about them. WHICH WAS NOT TRUE.

so i got tired of it and sent him all the copies of the e-mails telling him the truth, he hasnt talked about any of it.

then she keeps trying to have her friend add me on myspace and she wont leave me alone after i keep denying her as a friend.

(because i'm surely not an idiot.. and try to be buddies with her best friend when i already have her to annoy me)

i am being harassed by his girlfriend and her friend. they keep putting horrible stuff on their myspace and she keeps ';stalking'; my myspace.


Wow...how immature and annoying! I know how you feel, sort of. I had a stalker on Myspace once, lol probably still do. This girl is stalking you still because she's so jealous of you she can't stand it. Don't worry...she'll drive her boyfriend away soon enough, and then you'll have your friend back. (BTW, he's probably acting standoffish with you now becuase he knows you're right and doesn't want to admit it. Just wait. He will. In the meantime, give him space and show him that you're not psycho like his GF.)

There's probably nothing you can do to make her stop stalking you so much, except put your profile on private. But I suggest you keep it public, JUST so everyone sees that you're not hiding anything.

If I were you, I'd antagonize her. Not that she needs the help, but help her to make herself look crazier. Don't acknowledge that you know she stalks you. And don't look at HER profile, either - OR her friends - even in secret. Trust me, it's better if you appear oblivious to her.

Write a few blogs with interesting titles, and make them friends only. It'll drive her nuts wanting to know what you've written, and the crazier she goes, she crazier she will look to her boyfriend.

Also, put cryptic things in your status. A few of my favorites...

I had the BEST night EVER!!!!

I know something you don't know...

I can't wait! EEEE! I'm so excited!

I can't wait to tell everyone my awesome news!!!

It will drive her INSANE. She will probably start going to ridiculous lengths to try to figure out what you're talking about. She might even start pestering her boyfriend about you, which would be stellar!

Another way to drive her nuts: Make sure she can't see your photos, except your display picture. Make them all friends-only. Now, get a bunch of people together - the more the better. People your age are best, just get as many of them together as you can. Get them all to pose for a picture with you, and make sure they all know to laugh and look like they're having a blast. Make that photo your display picture. She'll strain her eyes trying to figure out who all is in that pic - she won't be able to tell, probably, since the display pix are so small. And she'll wonder what you were up to when that picture was taken. She'll go even crazier, get even more jealous becuase you're clearly very popular. Make sense?

The ways to jerk her chain are endless. Just make sure you don't let anyone know what you're doing, the more innocent it looks the better. The crazier you drive her, the crazier she'll look...and eventually everyone will see what an idiot she is.

Sorry this is so long, good luck!ADVICE: my best guy friend's girlfriend is harassing me.?
Something in her brain went bonkers.

edit: tell someone in the office of the school because they might able to handle things like this. (it's bullying.)

before you do, tell your friend that you will do this if she doesn't stop.
She is disturbed. Block her from your email, etc. And keep your distance from your guy ';friend'; as long as he is involved with her. Spend your time with healthy people.
she wants a cat fight and you probably shouldn't back down
She's intimidated by the relationship you have with her boyfriend and doesn't understand that you are not a threat to them. She probs thinks you are going to take him away from her. Just let her know you're not interested in him in that way, say you see him more like a brother and would never think about being with him in that way cause it'd just be gross. Tell him to let her know she has nothing to worry about, and that you don't want her to come between you and him as friends. There is no excuse for being rude to someone, just accept that she's an immature brat but don't let her ruin your friendship. Just be happy in the fact that this probably won't last, but you and your mate will be friends forever.

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